That Bildt is next to the only prominent Swedish blogger, who regularly writes about Eastern Europe, is a little recognised fact. With a life-long commitment to regional issues, support for the independence of the Baltic States in the early 1990s, and role as EU mediator in former Yugoslavia, Bildt has insights and
In comparison to the 2006 review of Swedish blogs on Eastern Europe, Bildt is one of the few bloggers remaining. Only about half of the blogs in the 2006 survey are still active. On the positive side though, the number of Swedish East Europe bloggers has expanded, including some very promising new blogs, forming potential nuclea of blog clusters. The evolving pattern is thus a division into media, politcal, Slavophile, organisational, and expat blogs.
A decisive point for the expansion of the issue specific blogosphere was probably the October 2006 murder of Anna Politkovskaya. The leading Swedish evening paper, Aftonbladet, intensified coverage on Russia, and started cooperating with Novaya Gazeta. Recently, some experiments have also been made with blogging, by Johanna Melén's Moskva direkt, and one might expect this to become a recurrent feature of reporting.
The most regionally initiated blogger among Swedish journalists is indisputably Kalle Kniivilä of
Another journalist blogging about Russia is Sylvia Asklöf of Barometern-OT daily. She regularly blogs in Swedish at Sylvanien - a title obviously alluding to both her own name and the subjects she covers. The intention is to deliver her own reactions to our time, developments in Russia, and some tidbits about Swedish politics. By blogging, she shares her reflections and experiences of some 15 years as a russophile.
An infant Swedish East European blog cluster is the political, totally dominated by liberals. With the Swedish International Liberal Forum (SILC) as a base, a number of blogs about the region have been started. The first was
Another liberal in the blogosphere is Andreas Ribbefjord, with Andreas's Blog on Russian and Swedish foreign policy and current affairs. Coverage on Russia is, to a great extent, based on experiences from cooperation between the Swedish liberal party and its Russian counterpart Yabloko and the dissenters' movement.
Similar to both the political and media blogs are a few Slavophile blogs, which often offer interesting views and insights. Mi Lennhag
The third tendency is that organisations and institutions dealing with the region are beginning to discover the blog media. Already last year, the Swedish Union of Journalists used Fredrik Nejman's Ukraina-blogg to cover a cooperation project with its Ukrainian counterpart. Now, as this cooperation seems finalised, its
Then, there are the expat blogs. A blogger already known to many interested in the area is Erik
Among the seniors of Swedish East European bloggers is Murmansk-based Wictoria Majby's Ryska Rövarhistorier, which after a period of hiatus, has recently resumed posting Russian cock-and-bull stories. A welcome addition is A Russia of my own, by Josefina - an aspiring writer based in Yekaterinburg. Writing in English, she posts stories and reflections from a provincial perspective of the Russian Urals, with the motto "Ambition mixed with vodka gets me up in the morning." However, she is not exclusive among regional reporters. Erik i Ryssland is a Swedish expat who has been living in and reporting from Rostov-na-Donu ever since 2005.
Turning to the big cities, another fine newcomer is Expat i Ryssland by female boxer Anna Ingman, who blogs about a training-existence in St. Petersburg. She also contributes with regular chronicles to the Västerbottens-Kuriren daily. Guran i Moskva and Thomas i Moskva are two blogs by Swedish teachers,
To sum up, the Swedish blogosphere on Eastern Europe is undergoing expansion and some of the necessary stabilisation to form the dynamic density needed for a blog community. What is also positively surprising is that the number of women blogging about Eastern Europe equals that of the men, which seems an exception to the international East European blogosphere. A disadvantage for the international audience is that blogs, with few exceptions, are in Swedish. For Swedish bloggers though, the domestic audience seems larger than the international, even when blogging about events and phenomena taking place abroad.
As for contents, it is obvious that the Swedish blogosphere on Eastern Europe is much more Swedish than it is East European. For better or for worse, much of it reflects both the norms and values of Swedish society, and its views and perceptions of Eastern Europe. This is especially so when it comes to Russia blogging, where the idealistic often takes precedence over the realistic, which may prove dubious in the long-run, as Swedish views and Russian realities become too divergent. Still, despite this caveat, the Swedish blogosphere on Eastern Europe seems to meet with a bright future - a situation unforeseen but a year ago.

Thanks for the recognition! Even though I'm back in Russia for now, in my heart I will always be a Swedish blogger. Hopefully I'll return for another stint in Sweden - don't want all those Swedish lessons to go to waste. :-)
Dear Megan,
You certainly deserve the recognition, and I'm looking forward to your return to Sweden, although I'd hope for you to continue blogging about Russia even when in Sweden.
As for the blog update, I'm but sorry it took so much time to compile, but better late than never. In view that the number of blogs has doubled over the last year, this might perhaps still be excusable.
What, you didn't appreciate my insights into Swedish culture? Interestingly, now that I'm back to blogging about life in Russia, I'm getting a lot more hits. Seems more people are interested in Russia than Sweden. I was a little surprised at first - after all, everything I write about is more or less equally interesting to ME. But the world is more interested in the big countries with the oil and the weapons and stuff, I guess.
Dear Megan,
Well, at least I have an excuse for not having that great an interest in Sweden, as I probably take my nationality and what comes with it for granted. Still, I have been reading your blog regularly over your entire stint in Sweden, and have found your reflections both interesting and amusing. Still, I must admit it is not the same as to follow your everyday observations on life in Russia, as that is a subject of, I must confess, greater interest for me. As for general interest of a country, I think it grows with the size of it, and for some probably also has something to do with "the oil and the weapons and stuff."
Are you aware of any good blogs that cover Swedish domestic issues. English language would be a plus, although I can make sense of your Scandinavian gobbledygook.
Thanks for mentioning me, Vilhelm! You are right that I am not updating my Moscow blog any longer, as I unfortunately don't travel there very often nowadays.
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